Now You See It/ Now You Don’t: Management of the Buster Shipwreck at Woolgoolga, NSW by BRAD DUNCAN

Now You See It/ Now You Don’t: Management of the Buster Shipwreck at Woolgoolga, NSW by BRAD DUNCAN
Docking the Amsterdam (1749). Public archaeology of an intertidal Dutch East Indiaman by JERZY GAWRONSKI
Musealization of rare and clandestine textiles from Texel’s Palmwood Wreck by CORINA HORDIJK & ALEC EWING
‘Skeletons of Foundered Ships:’ Beached Shipwrecks of St. Augustine, Florida, America’s Oldest Port by CHUCK MEIDE
The Riddle of the Shifting Sands: The historic shipwrecks of the North Frisian Wadden Sea exposed by coastal erosion by DANIEL ZWICK
The inter-tidal shipwrecks of Wales: Challenges and Opportunities by JULIAN WHITEWRIGHT
Brief Encounters – Wreck Investigations in the Inter-Tidal Zone of Lower Saxony’s Wadden Sea 2006 – 2019 by MICHAEL WESEMANN
CITiZAN: shipwrecks and smartphones, the rapid recording of vessels in the intertidal zone by ANDY SHERMAN
The CHERISH project: Investigating the impacts of climate change on intertidal wrecks by ROBERT SHAW
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (France): The Archipelago of Shipwrecks, from Myth to Study by CÉCILE SAUVAGE