Towards a Coastal History of Wrecking in the North Sea: legality and cultural practice of British ‘wreckers’ in the 18th century by DAISY TURNBULL

Towards a Coastal History of Wrecking in the North Sea: legality and cultural practice of British ‘wreckers’ in the 18th century by DAISY TURNBULL
Shipwreck in Medieval and Early Modern Times: On the history of maritime risk-taking conserved in language, written tradition and objects by GABRIEL ZEILINGER
From Ship to Wreck by JANN WITT
Docking the Amsterdam (1749). Public archaeology of an intertidal Dutch East Indiaman by JERZY GAWRONSKI
Neither Hero nor Victim: Intertidal Shipwrecks and Responses of Coastal Communities in 19th Century Britain by CATHRYN PEARCE
Strandordnungen in early modern Schleswig-Holstein and their historical context by HENNING ANDRESEN
Between Beach Rights and Beach Robbery – the Lower Elbe as a Conflict Area in the 13th and 14th Centuries by STEFAN BRENNER